Time and Me have parted ways...
I have had great issues with time for longer than I can remember.
It used to trick me all the "time": it slowed down when I was in pain and sped up when I was happy. .
And now it just enjoys flying away decomposing matters and ideas and transforming hours in seconds and years in weeks.
Chronos, father of time: 🕰📣📢
No more now, you are just a nasty illusion and my patience has worn thin just like your flimsy essence.
I have banned you from my perceptions.
You are just a sad and lonely like one of #theLangoliers - a fantasy from Stephen King's novel.
For Eons we have been duly instructed by your servants of darkness that ageing and degradation are Time inevitabilities
Biggest BS of all.
The truth is that it only has power when a sufficiently amount of free-will devoid people believe it.
You have no intrinsic power. Nada, Niente, Rien, NoThing, ничего.
And you have no longer power over me.
I only have power over me. I choose so.
There never really was such thing as time. Completely and utterly man-made product to control the enslaved masses.
People don't degenerate because they age , rather they age because they degenerate...
Human free will is more powerful than all the myriads of weapons of mass hypnotic messages hidden and firing from right under our noses.
I am remembering who i am and you cannot touch me. . Get your slimy clock-hands off me and and wipe that smugness off your clock-face. ( end of rant with Time) .
Don't be scared of time, don't let it rush you, it brings no ravages, no entropy; be gentle and patient with yourselves and be always conscious of your strong and perfect connection with Earth and all her Natural Laws. .
Let time serve you instead by remembering that there is no "time" at all, but only a series of serendipitous "nows".
Card used the Patience from the Energy Oracle
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