Before you go to bed, focus on these two cards for a few minutes and hold them in your minds eye in all their details.
Just before falling asleep, when you are entering in the theta state, recall the stairs image and pretend that it is an actual physical place in your brain.
See yourself climbing those stairs and when you reach the door on the top, go inside.
You will see thousands of beautifully ornate magic boxes lying around.
Choose the one that is attracting your attention.
This contains all the tools and knowledge that you have acquired in that past life that you need to remember right now. As soon as your brain downloads and computes those memories in a 3D manner, you will have found the key that unblocks your current issues/ problems/ dilemmas.
This is a form of self hypnosis that works wonders and generates so many "aha moments".
Doreen Virtue Angel Dreams Oracle Cards: Stairs and Past life
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