Gaia needs us, we are the Oracle.....
Our Mother Earth is ready to make the long awaited evolution jump, and she is ready to receive our assistance.
She is calling for her compassionate children who have already awaken, activated and perfectly balanced the female energies of the heart with the male energies of the mind.
One or the other alone would not do anymore as the paradigm of polarities is fading away by the instants for the galactic sun is reaching and enfolding every crevices of our once forsaken and shadowed planet.
Nothing can get in the way, no one can stop or delay, even for few milliseconds, the return of the Golden Age.
We cannot see it yet, but it is like an energetic tsunami of pure unconditional love for ALL living, sentient creatures.
And we, her human creatures, are the ones that we are waiting for,
the seventh cavalry is made of gods and goddesses who have disguised - through lifetimes of most arduous challenges at the point of almost forgetting it all - their true nature and their vital mission towards full disclosure, liberation and ascension.
Light is unstoppable, not amount of darkness can survive at this point.
Victory is near

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