The fool's journey reloaded - Part lll - The quest for the rabbit hole
The fool's journey reloaded - Part lll - The quest for the rabbit hole
At this point the fool is more distraught than ever, not only it's jungle out there, but now he has to deal with these two new imaginary characters sitting on his shoulders all the time.
One speaks from the heart and the other from the mind; the light and the shadow are intertwined in his psyche so much so that extraordinary sacrifice is required to do what the fool chooses to do next.
His desire for true occulted knowledge compels him
to withdraw from the chasing of ephemeral belongings and social pretences.
The feeble flickering flame of his inner lantern lights his path one step at the time, but this is a path of no going back, this is the path of Neo' s red pill through a long, deep and winding portal right to Wonderland central.
During this journey the fool sheds his colourful and happy go lucky outfit and he exchanges it for a long severe, grey hooded robe and ditches his rudimental tools in favour of a bright six star pointed lantern. He walks alone, against the flow and often laughed at. No matter though as the fool wishes to understand who and what makes the world go round , but he knows now that he first needs to learn how to harness and direct at will his own innate powers and so he keeps going until.....
(To be continued....)

Archetype Cards by Carolyne Miss
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