Friday, 22 April 2016

Your magic powers are encoded in your DNA and you can unleash them as soon as you realize this.

If you want to learn how to manifest your desired reality you must observe the first natural law of all creation that uses the powers of heart and mind. 
If you are a lucky☘Witch you have the knowledge already active in your DNA as it emanates from your lips and fingers as effortlessly as for the rest of us is breathing. .

But worry not, we can all learn how to master this natural law as it is there, in all of us, dormant somewhere in our human genes. .

Here it goes:

Two forces you must stir and balance from within yourself: . .
-💥From your mind you must muster and pinpoint all your imagination on the very thing that you wish. 
You must focus like a powerful Sun-ray laser through magnifying lenses 
The wilder is your imagination the better the result. 
It does not matter the quantity or the size of what you wish, for your powers don't really care if you desire a needle or a mansion. .
-💥From your heart you must feel the feelings of this thing already been present in your life. .
You must connect with the "other you" that lives in that parallel universe where all that you want has already happened and be grateful for the happiness that you are already "experiencing". .
The perfect balancing -of the thought that can imagine and the heart that can feel- generates, seemingly out of the thin air, that magic power that it is also more commonly known as emotion: energy in motion.

We live in a multiverse teeming with life and powerful energies that only wish to be used by us freely and creatively. .

Ps: Concentration is the name of the game. 
If you want to learn how to master this skill all you have to do is to watch a 😻 cat stalking a prey or stalking you while you are preparing their food. 

Monday, 18 April 2016

Time, the Great Impostor, and I are no more connected

Time and Me have parted ways...

I have had great issues with time for longer than I can remember. 
It used to trick me all the "time": it slowed down when I was in pain and sped up when I was happy. .
And now it just enjoys flying away decomposing matters and ideas and transforming hours in seconds and years in weeks. 
Chronos, father of time: 🕰📣📢
No more now, you are just a nasty illusion and my patience has worn thin just like your flimsy essence. 
I have banned you from my perceptions.

You are just a sad and lonely like one of #theLangoliers - a fantasy from Stephen King's novel. 
For Eons we have been duly instructed by your servants of darkness that ageing and degradation are Time inevitabilities
Biggest BS of all. 
The truth is that it only has power when a sufficiently amount of free-will devoid people believe it. 
You have no intrinsic power. Nada, Niente, Rien, NoThing, ничего.
And you have no longer power over me. 
I only have power over me. I choose so. 
There never really was such thing as time. Completely and utterly man-made product to control the enslaved masses.
People don't degenerate because they age , rather they age because they degenerate...
Human free will is more powerful than all the myriads of weapons of mass hypnotic messages hidden and firing from right under our noses.
I am remembering who i am and you cannot touch me. . Get your slimy clock-hands off me and and wipe that smugness off your clock-face. ( end of rant with Time) .
Don't be scared of time, don't let it rush you, it brings no ravages, no entropy; be gentle and patient with yourselves and be always conscious of your strong and perfect connection with Earth and all her Natural Laws. .
Let time serve you instead by remembering that there is no "time" at all, but only a series of serendipitous "nows".

Card used the Patience from the Energy Oracle

Russian Gyspsy Fortune Telling is stunning and amazingly accurate

Russian gypsy fortune telling system is so Beautiful and accurate, it has taken my breath away and has stirred from my clients so many different emotions. .
It is quite similar system to 
lenormand but it has so many more combinations and deeper meanings depending on the directions and positions that i got literally lost into this magical maze and never wanted to come out. 

The accompanying book has tons of info and symbol knowledge 

Here we have the moon and the sun and combined together I feel that we all are in a wonderful cosmic phase right now. 

The energies of these two bodies radiate from us:
overtly in terms of warmth altruism and positive attracting vibrations 
and covertly as in the gentle mysterious inner force that knows everything but without showing off.

It's time to rebalance both sides of our nature. 
Harmony is the only condition that creates pure true beauty. 

This is Shangri-La, the land where you live forever and your dreams come true

I go here often....with my mind

Shangri-La is a mythical place described in the 1933 Lost Horizon novel by James Hilton

There is a movie also called Lost Horizon made in 1937 by Frank Capra a real gem for all movie buffs, you might still be able to watch for free online 

Cards used Osho Zen Tarot: Silence, No-Thingness, Beyond illusion

Saturday, 16 April 2016

I love Barbara Moore Mystic Dreamer tarot version of the Fool....

The scattered tarot cards around this fool are an exquisite touch as they represent all the various choices around her in a very important particular moment in time, where it is all possible and all is available. 
I see a strong link with quantum mechanics and the famous schrodinger cat dilemma. 
Will the vial break or not.....? Is the cat still alive? ( Oh Yes, he always is in my universe)
Will You have faith and trust in the universe and follow your gut feelings or what.....? Can you see that beautiful Raven 🐧 perched on a sign in the bottom left corner? What is he trying to tell you? 
Can you read it?
Will you ignore it or take heed? 
The choice is always yours. 

I felt a sudden need to do a quick reading on the possible IG changes to the chronological feed. Posted this first on Instagram 4 weeks ago, the day before the planned changes

I decided to consult Madame Endora....... I asked: will the owners of IG listen to the concerns of the users and leave it as it is? 
Well I am getting that there are forces hidden behind the scenes that want to really push this as they cannot bear that everyone can have a fair share of limelight ( as they want it all) , 
the sheer numbers and the reasons are in the users' favours and they will be mad to go against, so perhaps they will drop this idea for a while? 
Only though to wait and let the waters calm down, to try again with more winning arguments on their side? What do you think it's going to happen, have you asked the cards yet?

Beautiful Madame Endora's fortune cards

Tarot/Oracle Combos - And if it harms none, do what you will......

And if it harms none, do what you will 
as the three-fold law is never still..........
(Italian) e se non danneggia nessuno, fai ciò che vuoi perché la legge del tre non si ferma mai........

The Green witch tarot: The standing stone and the wheel of fortune 

There is a treasure in the room upstairs..... in your brain. It shines brighter at night, it beckons you in your sleep. Go up and find it tonight.

Before you go to bed, focus on these two cards for a few minutes and hold them in your minds eye in all their details. 
Just before falling asleep, when you are entering in the theta state, recall the stairs image and pretend that it is an actual physical place in your brain. 
See yourself climbing those stairs and when you reach the door on the top, go inside. 
You will see thousands of beautifully ornate magic boxes lying around. 
Choose the one that is attracting your attention. 
This contains all the tools and knowledge that you have acquired in that past life that you need to remember right now. As soon as your brain downloads and computes those memories in a 3D manner, you will have found the key that unblocks your current issues/ problems/ dilemmas. 
This is a form of self hypnosis that works wonders and generates so many "aha moments".

Doreen Virtue Angel Dreams Oracle Cards: Stairs and Past life

Flower power - Doctrine of Signatures - as above so below

Paracelsus said: "nature marks each growth....according to its curative benefits" 
God has marked all plants with a "signature" to help us, all earthlings, to heal and cure those parts of our beings that share resemblance with certain plants. 
Resemblance is what makes knowledge possible of things invisible and, alas, more and more hidden and repressed in our modern times. 
And so we must uncover this powerful magical knowledge that constantly, incessantly wants to grow under our feet, even breaks through the cold harsh concrete that we lay and survives the most potent pesticides. 
All plants want to tell us their unselfish secrets that will save us all, and those most resilient are the most vociferous: dandilions nettles bamboo knotweed
The wise women and men are their only hope for making their mission a success: 
save the cheerleaders, save the world.

The Celtic Lenormand cards: The book and the garden

The beauty of the heart cannot be stolen....

(Italian) la bellezza del cuore non può essere rubata..... 

six of cups & seven of swords from radiant raider waite with yogy tea wisdom quote

The secrets of the Universe are stored within us

The secrets of the universe are stored within us and the temperance teaches us how to properly function as the multi talented gods that we are. 
Yes, we are not just gods, but multi-skilled too, because it takes a specifically calibrated amount of perfect equilibrium between balancing the loud and demanding earthly needs of our physical bodies and the softly whispered yearns of our higher consciousness. 
And that's where our powerful creative, imaginative and super sensitive channeller inner child page of cups within, comes in our aid. 
She lets our cup of life be refilled always to the brim with the stream of magical waters that create all life on this plane and keeps us receptive and connected to those yet invisible to us. 
temperance and thepageofcups from thegreenwitchtarot

Thursday, 7 April 2016

The Truth is out now.... you cannot not see it!

The  truth has always been out there - right under everyone's noses - and now many are finally in a position to see it.....
(Italian) la  verità è stata sempre là fuori - proprio sotto il naso di tutti - e adesso finalmente molti sono in una posizione di vederla...

Hanson-Roberts tarot cards: Judgment and the Hanged Man

Tarot/Oracle Combo: A secret path will be there for you that no one knows....

A secret path will be there for you that no one knows....
Scoprirai un cammino segreto che nessuno conosce.... 

Un camino secreto estará allí para usted que nadie sabe...

Un chemin secret sera là pour vous que personne ne sait...
Секретный путь будет там для вас, что никто не знает...
Radiant Raider Waite Smith Trimmed tarot with Yogy Tea Wisdom Quote

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Oracle Combo: In distant travels you learn about yourself...........(Italian) In viaggi lontani ci si impara a conoscere se stessi.

Radiant Rider Waite Trimmed Tarot and Yogi Tea wisdom quote

Today's witch's potion kit to cure headaches.

Magical ingredients to heal any type of headache ~ naturally and holistically. 

Willow bark tincture (the natural aspirin), 
Badger headache soother balm to massage your head with,
Nettle & peppermint tea infusions,
Clear Quartz and amethyst near by,
And visualise archangel Uriel healing your whole crown chakra. 

Badger Headache soother, Clipper Organic Nettle&Mint tea, Health Aid white willow bark,  quartz crystals, Archangel Uriel for Seventh Chakra