Monday, 30 July 2012

Amazing basil life in a little pot

I had been always very reluctant in the past buying herbs in pots from supermarkets as they never survived the first harvest and even though i watered the bottom of the pot regularly, the plant would either drown or dry up.
But this little beauty is over 2 months old now and i pick handful of leaves every other day. And the more i pick, the more they grow back more luscious than before.
My little secret? It came to me as sort of inspiration as i was just about to throw my little basil pot away in the compost bin. When i sunbathe, i always carry my spray bottle with me to keep my skin moist and avoid sunburning, so i figured what if i apply the same principle to my basil? And so i did and i have been amazed since
Spray the leaves with a regular spay bottle fine very generously all around at least once a day - at least twice o more a day if hot.  Water the bottom every couple of days too just enough for the soil to drink up a bit at the time, keep it near a window with some daylight exposure and don't forget to say thank you thank you thank you when you eat the leaves.

Spiritual Multiperspective Experience

1st perspective

One day I was sitting outside my office, during my lunch break and suddenly a pigeon landed near me. He started picking some breadcrumbs that were falling on the pavement near me. I was eating a sandwich and I was producing some breadcrumbs as he started to get nearer and nearer. At first I got a little bothered by his presence. I remembered when I was a child my parents always told me that pigeons are very dirty and that they are no more than rats with wings and I shouldn’t encourage them by actively trying to feed them as they got through the rubbish and carry diseases. I assumed he was a male as his neck appeared to be a bit swollen and his wings were fat and rough (not that I actually I am an expert on pigeons). The more I looked at him, the more I got curious about the expression in his eyes. For some reason I have always believed that all pigeons look exactly the same to each other. I never imagined that they could have traits so clearly defined and so totally distinctive just like human beings. This one had a neck of the loveliest bluish and greenish shade and his eyes and face were surrounded by a spiritual like bright purple.

I was almost mesmerized at some point I even thought he stopped his food picking to look at me thinking something on the line: “What a weirdo looking at me like that!”  Then something strange happened, the pigeon moved towards a little pool of water and started drinking some of it. I felt overwhelmed with compassion, I don’t know exactly what triggered this feeling in me but, I felt like I wanted to protect him and make sure he had enough to drink, maybe it was the humble way he moved his little body towards the source of all life. At the same time I felt ashamed of my inherited and unfounded prejudices against this species and found myself in admiration of his unpretentious beauty.

2nd perspective

I took in a few long deep breath, closed my eyes for few minutes and I imagined being that pigeon. I was looking the world through his eyes and hearing through his ears. I felt the warmth of his tick feathers protecting my being. My visual perception now was very low, everything was oversized. I noticed that I missed many common and granted details around me, but at the same time many others that escaped me before were filling my senses. A ladybird bright coat, tiny cracks in the pavements filled with unidentified debris, unfamiliar higher pitch noises. The concrete wall in front of me seemed like a Mexican squared pyramids. Then there was this strange giant there producing some of my daily provisions. It sure has some odd shape, strange long fur and bizarrely bare wings. Is it hostile or friendly? I am not sure yet, but it’s not brushing me away like other similar have done. It lets me feed in peace. Its eyes are so curious, they both seem staring in the same direction, but I think it’s looking at me and still it has not brushed me away. How uncharacteristic of this species. I need some water now; oh here there is a little pond, but only few dribbles in it. I need more than that to keep me going today. Oops, what is going on now, the giant is carrying a tube that makes my little pond swell up with more cooler and tastier water.

3rd perspective

Now I am closing my eyes again and taking another deep breath. I am looking from slight above at a small distance enough to incorporate the immediate background. There are these two beings there sharing a portion of space. A woman is sitting on a concrete step seemingly having her lunch with a pigeon who is hanging around with the hope to partake to that meal. Although they couldn’t be more dissimilar from each other, they appear to be in harmony with the rest of the environment. A big building is behind them and more people are pouring out of it, but for some reason these two beings seem to be frozen in time. They are sharing more than the physical space. The woman is purposely dropping some breadcrumbs on the floor. I think she is enjoying feeding the bird, she looks content. The pigeon also seems pretty relaxed considering that lots of people are passing by it. Then suddenly the woman takes a long sip from her water bottle and begins pouring the rest down on the floor for no apparent reason to the passers by, but I believe that the pigeon isn’t scared, on the contrary – amazingly – he moves closer towards the puddle as if he had just asked for more fresh water. I can also see other people looking at that scene and I imagine they must assume that she is a bit mad or sad.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Thank you for the beautiful sun ❤💛

Thank you loving bestowing Cosmos for these sunny days of gloriously magnificent warmth and pure blue skies! What a divine treat to all earthlings

Spiritual Eureka moments

I found it! The mystery is no more
I am understanding now everything I set out to learn and in the process of looking and searching I have remembered it all. It was there all along locked inside my little heart like a tiny whisper. Oh my goddess I have opened the floodgate and insights and amazing resonances now are truly unstoppable. They come in form of flashes, dreams, visions, signs and long lost buried memories that now make suddenly so much sense. They pour in so quickly, I am doing my best to grasp them in a way that I can memorize them and share them with anyone willing to receive them. Any mean is allowed, but I want to share fast so I am finding myself blogging frantically from my phone. I am now ready, the best insights come when I am busy doing something else like anything mundane and repetitive or when I am in a daydream state during my bus journey home. But the best ones are those downloaded straight to my soul during the daily awakening process when the tetha weaves are flooding my little brain. This is also the best time to do self hypnosis and reprogram our belief system. When I feel depressed or in need of extra mental or physical energy, I place either the magician or the strength tarot under my pillow before falling asleep and then in the morning while in my theta state I remember to offer my gratitude to my major arcana for connecting directly to my unconscious and help me with my current issue

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

What if we can change our beliefs in matter of days (or nights)?

What if we could delete years of self destructing programming with a wave of a magic wand or a sip from the holy grail or taste of magic mushroom or a sprinkle of some pixie dust? And what if these magical tools were always right in our face, right under our nose all along, so close that we couldn't see?
Well guess what? I can see them. Just needed a bit of refocusing like when looking at a magic eye picture and now all is crystal clear. These magical tools have finally found the rightful magician owner. It was indeed the magician tarot card that helped me to focus. I was meditating on his role, abilities and messages to the fool and it just so happened that I had that certain aha aha moment. Of course, i shouted to myself: by golly it couldn't be any simpler! The 4 elements are imbuing our life and we can use them consciously to make all sort of magic stuff spiritual and material...

This is Cosmo Cozy Cat

My wonderful raw bio-dynamic milk and cheese stall is closing

Last w/end i have found out that the most magical food that i have been consuming regularly for the past 3 years will not be sold any longer in my local organic farmers market.
I have 3 years old kefir grains that need feeding so I am on the frantic search of other local farmers in the areas of Sussex that do produce and sell raw bio-dynamic milk. Raw milk is such a wonderful thing, it tastes amazing and and i can make a variety of homemade cheeses and drinks.
Aside from kefir, I make yogurt and whey which i use for raw soups when is fresh or as vinegar when i let it age in a dark cupboard, but mostly i use it as natural rennet for my cheese. 
If i have enough milk that i can leave to let the cream float on top, i can also make butter
Cheese wise, I make cheddar,  ricotta, but my most successful and magical one is mozzarella cheese which it comes out intensely creamy and proper springy and goes so perfectly on my raw pizzas.
I am going to post a video very soon on how I make this, it is so incredibly easy and quick and the result truly magical.
The whole world should taste raw milk again

Monday, 23 July 2012

What is happening to me, to time, to Earth?

Last year I was not the same person that I was the year before and this year I am definitely not the same person I was last year. But in the last few months some sort of rapid precipitation is happening somewhere in my field or sphere of existence.
Now it is month by month that I am feeling it and this change is not just about my cells, organs, tissue regenerating at a quicker and more efficient pace.
No, it is much more than that, my mind, my logic, self obsessed, petulant and judging part of me is... well…abandoning me or just allowing my soul to take more a centre stage. I feel feelings that I never imagined that could exist in humans.
I feel an unexplainable love and sense of protection for any creature that cross my path. The other day I safely escorted an ant to the closest plant and saved a moth from the fuaces of my ginger cat.
Even people who have hurt me in the past, I feel compassion for and cannot help seeing them as little helpless children. I have vision of them that they only crave to be loved but they are stuck in a big adult and robotic body that has been put on a self destruction programme.
When I meditate on these new amazing feelings, I started to feel like a great mother hen who wants to protect and reassure all her children and virtually anyone and anything is becoming like my child at the moment. Am i perhaps channelling mother Earth and feeling what she feels for us? If so I do wish that I am not the only one on the planet experiencing this.