Monday, 10 September 2012

My cat is a true rawist by nature and instinct

My wonderful cat Cosmo has been about 80% rawist for over 4 years now. I got him when he was around 6 years old and did not look and behave very happy then. Not sure exactly, but I think he did not have a very nice kittenhood. He was overweight, constantly in an aloof mood and did not refrain often from chunking my flesh off whenever I tried to play with him or even to pat him.
His previous guardians had put him on a special diet consisting of some vet only bought dried biscuits. But there was something fishy in those biscuits - and I am really not talking about the actual flavour - that made him go CRAZY! He would just scoff and scoff them and was constantly hungry and angry, he would become even more violent and aloof with humans and any other feline in proximity. I was concerned and scared for all of us, I tell you he was a quite big cat and didn't know if he would totally turn on us or explode for excessive overeating. So i started researching about optimal cats nutrition and as I was already a keen raw foodist learner, I put two and two together and I decide to feed him mainly raw meat and fish. It was actually very convenient at the time as I was becoming vegetarian, I thought he would have my fleshy servings instead.
The result was incredible, he began gradually losing the excess weight, started to curl up with us on the sofa ever evening, but most importantly he was able to pace himself a bit better when eating. Normally before it would scoff all at once and cry for more, but now he is able to eat a bit and leave a bit and come back a bit later for more. He is now the most affectionate adult cat I ever seen. Every night he rolls on his back and waits for us to rub his belly and he always comes to bed with us. In the winter, he gets under the duvet and kneads on our bellies. He is such a joy of a pet.
He is now our furry ball of love.
Much love to all creatures great and small.

Ps: I am going to post some of the recipes ingredients and pictures here shortly
Ps2: also he adores raw milk, cream, butter and cheese

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

It is not really time speeding up, it's purposeful creation that is precipitating in to our lives

I have always wondered why time goes slow when i am doing some meaningless tasks and instead goes fast when i am more in my bliss mode. Well to answer this question, i have done some serious meditating and I am quite happy with the insight I received.
Basically time is totally bogus, a non existent notion invented to organise a great number of people under certain third dimensional conventions. I see it like an invisible mark that links and locks us in the depth, the width and the height of our plane and create a sort of cage around every human beings.
The inventors of time and clock and calendars were very clever. They knew that all time devices also create mental barriers that keep our brains and DNA locked in and perpetueting self degenerative pattern that we refer to as ageing. I am in the same school of thought of the wonderful Bruce Lipton and his inspiring work on epigenetic. Dr Lipton's wrote "The biology of belief" a very powerful empowering understanding of who and what human beings can really be.
It is the sum of all our beliefs (for bad and for good, mind you) that create all realities in our bodies, lives and in the entire world.
If we live in a system where we have been extensively taught to believe that time is our great inexorable archenemy that puts wrinkles on our faces and diseases in our bodies, then guess what? It is exactly what will happen.